Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Today in History we did an edcafe where we were given a sheet on a specific subject (mine being the Boston Tea Party). As a group we were to make a power point set up of it through drive on our gmail's. I like the concept but the drive was difficult to use; it was really slow and you had to constantly refresh it to get it to work... constantly as in there were times that if it took me too long to copy and paste my paragraph I had typed in word onto the slide I'd have to refresh it once or twice before it would work. Then I'd have to refresh it again to change the font size, etc. It was a bit too stressful but the idea I really liked. I think it would be easier if we had used a different powerpoint system and then everyone just e-mailed their paragraphs to one person instead and then that person could copy and paste it to the powerpoint. It'd be easier and faster to do.

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