Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Today in class we did an activity where we learned about what life was like living in a sod house. My overall impression of this lifestyle was that it was difficult. The house is in the ground and dark, there isn't much space, and there are lots of dangers to living in that environment. I'd like to say I could only last in this environment for 5 minutes, but if I was getting paid a large quantity of money, I could maybe last 5-7 days. But it would feel like weeks to me. I know the city life is a lot different but I think it would be easier and less stressful then living in the west.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Diary entry

Dear journal

Today we set down the Eerie canal toward the west. Going alone as a pioneer makes it much more simple then my neighbors who are bringing their families. I've heard of well paying jobs on the side of the canal as well as quantities of land out in the west for the taking. I plan to take it day by day with no actual plan and stop at cities and towns along the way to see what opportunities are out there for me. There is a lot of traffic in the canal, but at the pace I'm going I'm not too concerned.

Friday, April 5, 2013


During class yesterday we got into groups and worked on specific groups of people from the war of 1812.My group had black sailors and slaves. We had to make slogans and icons as well as a poem that represented our group of people. We came up with a slogan that stated,"Come with me and you'll be free", and an icon that had an African American flexing his arm, with a shirt that said,"Brit's love us". We did this because the British offered freedom to American slaves during the war while the American's wanted them to return to slavery.